Jumaat, 15 Ogos 2008

PPUKM : Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


Department of Radiology was established under Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia offered the medical and treatment services to publics and peoples around the world. Now, Hospital UKM was under UKM Medical Centre (PPUKM) started on 20th February 2008. UKM Medical Centre is an academic medical centre established by the merger of the Faculty of Medicine and Hospital UKM. Department of Radiology. PPUKM was equipped with a variety of modern equipment such as MRI, CT Scan, Angiograhy, Flurouscopy, Mamography, Ultrasound and general X-Ray.

MRI is one of modern equipment which its provided in Department of Radiology, PPUKM. MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging can be defined as the use of megnetic fields and radio waves to obtain a mathematically constructed image. MRI is a diagnostic prosedure that uses a combination of a large magnet, radiofrequencies and a computer to produce detailed images of organs and strucutures within the body. MRI uses a technique that simulates the body to produce a radiofrequency signal and uses an antenna or receiver coil to measure this signal diagnosis of diseases.

MRI is claimed safer than CT in terms of biologic tissue damage. However there’s some precautions to be taken during MRI prosedures. Any external metal objects have to be removed from the patients. Patients with implants pacemakers cannot be scanned or even go near the scanner. Certain nuclei in the body will absorb and reemit radio waves of spesific frequencies when those nuclei are under the influence of a magnetic field. These reemited radio signals from the antenna is transmitted through an analog to digital converter (ADC) and then computer, where an image of patient is reconstructed mathematically.

The fact that MRI systems does not use ionizing radiation is a comfort to many patient as is the fact that MRI contrast materials have a very low incidence of side effects. MRI has the ability to image in any plane (axial, sagittal and coronal) without the patient ever moving. Even the MRI scans are ideal for diagnosing and evaluating a number of conditions it does have drawback such as patients with claustrophobic problem and patient with big size.

The noise due to the rising electrical current in the wires of the gradient magnets being apposed by main magnetic field. The stronger the field, the greater the noise. Also, the MRI procedure require patient to hold very still for extended periods of time (in range 20 minutes – 80 minutes or more). A slightly movement can cause very distorted images.

Mohd Hairul Faizal Ahmad
Materials Science Club01

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